
Lorien Howell - DDA and the case of the missing century - new cover concept and Place-Names of Wales

conceptual template for a 2017 cover idea for Lorien Howell's DREAM DETECTIVE AGENCY (book one ... and the case of the missing century) about young heroine Dierdre Openhouse 's quest through the age of dreaming legions, accompanied by her sister Brody Belvedere. Additionally, I'm going to take the opportunity to share with you a rather interesting text from 1881 called The Place-Names of Wales by Thos Morgan. "Happy is he who knows the origin of things. " Is the opening dedication, and essentially The Place-names of Wales is about the tacit (or intentional) erosion of our 562 AD comet-ruined Britishness and the northerly easeterly pressure upon the true British language and people from successively incursion of Frisians and Norwegians. Yes, 1881 and yes this is still a children's book. Considering the rapid strides of English education in the Principality, we fear the time is not far distant when a moiety of our mutilated Welsh place-nam...

Steven Greer - The Lost Century - relevant to content of DDA #1

Whilst researching potential background information about Lorien Howell's Dream Detective Agency #1 (and the case of the missing century) I came across this poignant presentation from Dr Steven Greer dealing with the issue-relative topic of The Lost Century . We're all dying in our dreams (night after night) because the astro-physical matrix is constantly folding in on itself, denying our minds the necessary fuel for TRANS-FORMA-TION, our dream-death means our lack of memory of our true potential as a space-breaching race... In the novel, Brody Belvedere helps her split-twin Dierdre Openhouse to see that the only REAL WAY to break through this inter-galactic barrage of denial is to embrace the wandering zero-point, bravely go; live.

DDA #1 - case of missing century - who is Dierdre Openhouse?

so, the new novel by Lorien Howell (The Dream Detective Agency #1, ...and the case of the missing century ) is an extension of the children's short story The Amazing Adventures of Deirdre Openhouse, Dream Detective but who is Dierdre Openhouse. PLANET OF THE OWLS this was a 2008 novel Planet of the Owls by Hertzan Chimera and at the end of that (waiting for the angel) is a mischievous seemingly-magickal character calling herself Dierdre Openhouse. She's supposedly the child-like projection of an old woman who lives rough on the streets of Oxford. Who can tell if she is or not, because children lie and that's a fact. And so do old women. WAR WORLD Dierdre Openhouse is merely a character in a never-published short story written by the central character Lorien Howell in the 2015 novel War World by Hertzan Chimera . Dierdre Openhouse and her 'sister' Brody Belvedere play a crucial role in the climax of both War World and the competing novel Free Planet by Hertz...

Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - Dreamer Worlds Lost - 9,600 to 9,500 years ago

9,600 - 9,500 B.C. for those literally hundreds of people who've been asking me about this over the last few months, "Yes, that's the missing century..." Have I broken the book by revealing this? Not really, you'd have found out fairly early in the story anyway, the real surprises are (of course) what was stolen along with our misplaced legacy? And will it (or they) come back to haunt us? These will most certainly NOT be cometary fragments but more 'fragments of the human dream' ... it'll all be explained in the book once it's done, some time in 2017. A LOST CIVILISATION OF DREAMERS? the foreword of the first Dream Detective Agency novel "...and the case of the missing century," praises the brave research of the likes of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval and all the other invetigators of Alternative Histories and Lost ante-diluvian Societies; these Magicians of the Gods (let's call them what they really are - these con-men w...

What is the age range for DDA#1 and how does this relate to content?

DDA#1's TARGET AGE RANGE: I've had a couple people ask me about the target age range for this kids' novel DDA#1 (Dream Detective Agency, book one, and the case of the missing century) especially since I came up with the new darkly Dark Ages cover (right) that nobody seems comfortable with... DDA#1 is not going to be a short illustrated card-covered furry-textured pamphlet for little kiddies to have read to them by their doting mommies. I suspect it'll be a book that children will read (and mostly understand) for themselves. I'm not necessarily talki ng about a strict 'teen' rating for this either. [source Lorien Howell ] Kids who can read for themselves will enjoy this fantasy novel, it'll appeal to the Harry Potter crowd, and it'll also appeal to the Doctor Who crowd ... and both those mentioned markets appeal to adults, too. Here's a link to the original 9,000 words short story The Amazing Adventures of Dierdre Openhouse, D...

Lorien Howell - Dream Detective Agency #1 - Giants vs Dragons

Dark Ages cover design the Sîrênae vs the Kîmêrae: in recent months, I have become fascinated by GIANTS (and DRAGONS) for DDA #1, it's gonna be a shocking and bewildering narrative involving the CCRB or Corpus Callosum Realm Between . Here's a clue as to how we get from A to B in the narrative universe - MISSING TIME and MISSING LOCATIONS. All things that are hidden from view are (usually) in plain sight. The Dream Detective Agency (book one) will be a novel for children of all ages, following the adventures of separated sisters Dierdre Openhouse and Brody Belvedere as they ponder the great crimes of man's stolen heritage. "Our history on this planet is not what we think it is. Someone's been monkeying around with the truth of our lives, and we're not happy." Royal Decree on the State of our Modern Minds by Brody Belvedere to her sister-in-spice Dierdre Openhouse.

Battling the Dragon - why it only takes - One missing century

surely, you all know by now that The Dream Detective Agency children's novel is subtitled, "...and the case of the missing century," but how can only one hundred years have such a phenomenal impact upon a) the whole narrative and b) the whole cutural identity of mankind? DDA#1 is a kid's book, never forget that - but that doesn't mean such a project can't explore some of the more contentious suicides and murders of our time - namely our Missing Past. Mankind is schism'd, or lost ( twixt'd and tween'd ) and it's the job of the Dream Detectives i.e. Dierdre Openhouse and Brody Belvedere, to rediscover the place (in time) where this happened to help redirect mankind onto his/her original course. Along the way they'll encounter DRAGONS... of course.