What is the age range for DDA#1 and how does this relate to content?


I've had a couple people ask me about the target age range for this kids' novel DDA#1 (Dream Detective Agency, book one, and the case of the missing century) especially since I came up with the new darkly Dark Ages cover (right) that nobody seems comfortable with...

DDA#1 is not going to be a short illustrated card-covered furry-textured pamphlet for little kiddies to have read to them by their doting mommies. I suspect it'll be a book that children will read (and mostly understand) for themselves. I'm not necessarily talking about a strict 'teen' rating for this either. [source Lorien Howell]

Kids who can read for themselves will enjoy this fantasy novel, it'll appeal to the Harry Potter crowd, and it'll also appeal to the Doctor Who crowd ... and both those mentioned markets appeal to adults, too.

Here's a link to the original 9,000 words short story The Amazing Adventures of Dierdre Openhouse, Dream Detective.


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