DDA #1 - case of missing century - who is Dierdre Openhouse?

so, the new novel by Lorien Howell (The Dream Detective Agency #1, ...and the case of the missing century) is an extension of the children's short story The Amazing Adventures of Deirdre Openhouse, Dream Detective but who is Dierdre Openhouse.

this was a 2008 novel Planet of the Owls by Hertzan Chimera and at the end of that (waiting for the angel) is a mischievous seemingly-magickal character calling herself Dierdre Openhouse. She's supposedly the child-like projection of an old woman who lives rough on the streets of Oxford. Who can tell if she is or not, because children lie and that's a fact. And so do old women.

Dierdre Openhouse is merely a character in a never-published short story written by the central character Lorien Howell in the 2015 novel War World by Hertzan Chimera. Dierdre Openhouse and her 'sister' Brody Belvedere play a crucial role in the climax of both War World and the competing novel Free Planet by Hertzan Chimera (2015).

So, who is Dierdre Openhouse, and does she exist outside of the narrative world of dreams? Maybe we should ask her 'sister' Brody Belvedere... another strange character who might or might not be related to Dierdre. Hell, there's every possibility that Dierdre and Brody are just refractions of light passing through the same prism. There's another possibility that Brody is another old person lying about her true identity.

We'll all find out once the DDA #1 book's done, surely.


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