Lorien Howell - Jog Dream Detecting?

oh, my god, it's started again, I only wanted a jog, a simple run in the woods, an hour on my own with my own physical actions, a regulated hour of jogging, a run

but no, I had to start jog-dreaming again.

I got FOUR, count them, one two three four major theme ideas this afternoon, and I hadn't even been doing any work on the DDA novels, not for the last few weeks or more. I haven't even thought about narrative content, character, concepts or anything... then whammo. As soon as I was out in the countryside, on my jog, there it was, idea after idea, and I couldn't stop it. Couldn't stop the flow. I had done nothing that would warrant or demand such narrative influx. I'm the victim in all this, as it were...

But there it was, unbidden. Idea after idea. It's like I could feel the separate world-scenes unfolding with each laboured footstep. It's like the Dream Detective Universe was unfurling to reveal its magnanimous mystery at no cost to the hapless  jogger. Left right left right, narrative penetration into realm of Dream Detecting, left right left right...

What a (jogging) burden.

But what such amazing concepts. I'm really gonna enjoy the writing of the first novel in the Dream Detective Agency if this is how easy it's gonna be. I even have an understanding, right at the start of the novel of what the hundred missing years means... and I thought this would be the last revelation I would stumble across, as the author of the piece. LOL.


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